Friday, 21 December 2012

First cut - Skrillex

This is our first cut of our video, I am very proud of how this video turned out as it is our first attempt at making a music video.I feel that there are still some more sections that need altering, however this will only take a short while to do. I think the main thing that I think will make the video appear more professional would be to add an opening title and having an MTV Base sign in the corner.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Final Touches - 1st cut

Today was our last day for editing our video to create the first cut. All we had left to do was to make sure that all cuts were neat and crisp, and that the three way colour correction was the same throughout.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Last Day of Filming

This weekend was our last weekend of filming before putting together our first cut.We decided to do this filming in reading as we knew of some good locations that we haven't yet used. We have briefly story-boarded some extra shots that we wanted to include, and managed to successfully capture these on our day of shooting. All of our actors got on well with each other, which was a bonus and enjoyed the day out.

Sunday, 16 December 2012


Whilst we have been resolving the issues with the actresses we have been making the most of our time in the media suite and have been editing with all the footage. We have in particular been looking at speeding up the dubstep sections of the song by including lots of fast cuts, jumps and a combination of forward and reverse motions in time with beats. we have also been experimenting with all the possible affects that we could use. we have found that the most successful to be stop motion blur as it creates an excellent disoriented affect.

We have also found that as a result of the excessive editing our video would need to be rendered on a regular basis. We have also been using colour correction 3 way to give the footage a more professional view.

Friday, 14 December 2012

Planning and Research - Replacements

These are the two girls that we have replaced our previous actress' 
Hannah    Leanne

Monday, 10 December 2012

Planning and Research - Call sheet

This is the call sheet the my partner and I put together in order to help organize ourselves and plan ahead for future filming.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Planning and Research - Problem/Solution

At the begining of our music video process we decided that we were going to use the two girls, Tess and Lisa, as our actresses. however due to their lack of enthusiasum and co-operation, we have had to remove them from our video. This then left us with no female actors. Fortunatly we have found two replacements in a short period of time, this has helped as we have not lost out on too much precious time, however this does mean that we now need to go through all of our footage and re-shoot all scenes with the girls in.