Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Planning and research - magazine advert ideas

In the past week i have been roughly putting together possibilities for our magazine advert. I have experimented with both the use of black and white and with colour. Out of the two I feel that the black and white reflects the mood of the song a lot better. I also think that the first image works as it is better for the branding of the music video.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Planning and research - Magazine advert research

This week i have been looking into the different types of magazines that would hold an advert for our chosen artist. The types of magazines that we found were; "Spin", "The Wire", and "Dance evolution"

Friday, 1 February 2013

Research and planning - Ancillary task CD pack 1st draft

This week my partner has been away, i therefor have started on the creation of our CD pack. I looked over all of our designs and created different versions of our front and back covers for us to go through once she gets back and decide what works well and what does not. 

Research and Planning - Typeography

In this lesson we looked at all the different types of type that are used to represent the different forms of genre. what my partner and I learnt was that for our genre the use of serifs would create the edgy effect we were after. 

Typography: the technique of arranging type in order to make a language visible as well as the appearance of the type.